A downloadable game for Windows

The game is about the daily challenges of a flamingo staying on only one leg.

For game explanations go to https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/49/falling-flamingo

For complete source code go to https://github.com/mehrschwein/LD49_fallingFlamingo

Sadly my cross-compile for linux and osx didn't work as expected so I had to take those down for now.


LD49_fallingFlamingo_x86.exe 73 MB
LD49_fallingFlamingo_x64.exe 81 MB
LD49_fallingFlamingo.exe with bugfix 80 MB

Install instructions

The download contains an executable now. just click on it and play!

if this format doesnt satisfy you or you want to look into the code, check the entry on the ludum dare website.

If there are any problems please comment and let me know. I've never ported to linux and osx before and have no way to test those compiles.

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